Monday, December 9, 2013

Player Template

I started working on the first of a series of templates I'll be making for GM.

I only started today, so this one is limited to the player's basic movement, and an attack.
Basic template WIP

Once completed (Let's call it Platformer: Basic), the template will contain,

- Simplistic player moveset (idle, run, jump, fall, crouch, attack, shoot, hit, knocked down)
- Simple enemy AI (pace, follow, hop, shoot, etc)
- Basic collision detection
- Simple hazards
- Room switching
- Healing items
- Health bar HUD
- Start Menu
- Pausing
- Gameover/restart
- Simple H mechanic

More mechanics will come in more advanced templates down the line. The idea of this first template (when it's done) will be simply to allow you to make a basic game without getting held up by things like basic platforming physics. The foundation will be there, but in such a way that is easy to modify, replace, and build onto with your own content.

(However the file above isn't quite set up to be easy to understand yet, mind you, so it's more for those who are just interested.)

I'll also be doing a more comprehensive video tutorial series later on, to help with the fundamentals of Game Maker itself, so that you'll not only know how to use the templates, but how they work. I've asked this before, but feel free to make suggestions on what you'd like to see in a basic template, keeping in mind that it will be fairly simple.

This will all be free of course, but feel free to make a donation if you ever find any of it useful. (Let's just say that hiring an artist better than myself for the next game will be great, but hiring TWO would be even better)


  1. Donated just for the sake of helping the game along :)

    - Jhak

  2. a template for knockdown and sprite-sex would allow a lot of user created games similar to yours with they're own style to be released to the world, and would allow, say, an artist to donate a portion of every sale to you for the code used, and allow them more time on making much more content for the game.

    1. But i see you have that planned, so this will be awesome!

    2. Well, except the portion of every sale part.

    3. I don't see why not, it'd be a good way to earn money and help the community grow. If you could, elaborate on if you'd feel right or not of people selling games using your tutorials, and if you'd want a profit of it or not. I'd like to know since I've liked all these sprite sex based games now for quite a while, and would love to make one of my own, but i can't do coding very well at all with zero experience and no idea/no time to find a place to start and what not. I also don't seem to have the patience for coding as much as i do art wise.

    4. I'm fine with the idea of people using the template with their own graphics and selling it, however I'd never ask for a cut of the profits. The more people that can use it, the better.

    5. I'd still feel bad about using something someone created without giving back to them in some way, so if i were to sell a game and earn quite a large amount, i might 'donate' a large sum of money to you a month after the game releases....just saying. :P

  3. What I hope is done, is a video tutorial going over the creation of the smaller sprites, like the one in the template. Just can't see how it's done in my head :P.

  4. I guess a save system template would be cool too. I'm not against games without save functions but int James Rolfe's wise words:


    1. I suppose it's something I'd have to include. I thought I'd save that for a more advanced template, but I suppose there are few instances were the developer wouldn't need a save function. At the very least I should make it so you unlock levels.

  5. What are you using to build?

    Sorry, I've only just heard about your stuff and really love it =)

    1. I'm guessing that you do all your own programming and art, but do you do the music as well?

      What with?

  6. Great template! It's well organized and easy to understand! Keep up the good work.

    Wished this came out way way before I started GML though. I'll be studying this. .. >=)

  7. Donated $2 (since that's all i have in my paypal right now lol) so I hope that helps somehow.
    Can't wait to see the finished product of this and your game.

  8. Thanks Kyrieru! I've been attempting to work on a game, and this really helped work out a few kinks i had!

  9. For those of us who like coding in straight up C++, Java or whatever, Can we get just the sprites? A majority of the time, it's really sprite work that stops me from properly prototyping something.

    1. The sprites are freely available in the template itself, guy. >.>

  10. Hey Kyrieru, is it fine if I publish about the template at Ryonani's Game Dev forum? I'm sure a lot of users will love it and maybe some of them will donate for the cause after cheking it out!

  11. Thanks for the template. I don't really need it as I'm going to use Unity for my game. But these kind of things really helps out the community.

    1. ... that sure sounded condescending.
      I'm not saying it was meant to be, just a heads up.

    2. "... that sure sounded condescending.
      I'm not saying it was meant to be, just a heads up."

      lol sorry for the poor language. It dose sound a little condescending. Been 3D modeling all day so my head is a little fuzzy. Point I was trying to get across is that if it weren't for people like Kyrieu making resources and free tutorials, I wouldn't be where I am today.

    3. ...
      It didn't sound condescending at all -__-

  12. Its definitely not condescending but I see how it can when it's read plainly. When we are on the internet we have to empathize more context into what we type since lack of tone can interpreted in many ways.

  13. Kiryu dai-sensei! ヽ(゚ー゚*ヽ)

  14. Just bought your games to support you, both of them. love your work, and i hope you find a good artist that can help you make the games even better than they already are. (and hopefully speed up the tutorial making as it'd help me get into the h-development business as well.) I already have a good idea for the game to start with, and me and a friend will be working on it as soon as you finish the h-part of the tutorial series. Keep being awesome!

  15. When I open the file into GameMaker Studios it says -"4294967295" is not a valid integer value.-

    I'm incredibly new to this and I'm really sorry but could you tell me what I might have done wrong?

    1. Don't really know. Sounds like a problem with Studio >_>

    2. Took a look around, and this exact number shows likely cause says non-english characters, or ones that are for other reasons unrecognized.
      Odd characters in a title or file name, perhaps?

      Another weird error mentioned where that number gets somehow mixed up with -1. Anything that produces a negative number where it shouldn't be? That one's mentioned in apps of newer devices, so could be something in Studio trying to make thing's compatible.

      ...apparently it's the highest possible number across common machines. You learn something new every day, lol.
      Well, hope something in this helps.

    3. Get the same error opening the template. Just bought game maker studio:professional when it was on a flash sale for $25, (originally $100, was planning on buying it in February, so super lucky.) so i don't actually know really anything about working with game maker at the moment. I can still look at the sprites and all that, but still disheartening that i get an error opening the file.

  16. Could I make something as good as your stuff using GameMaker 8.0 Pro? Sorry, I don't know what version you used or if it mattered...

    1. Yes, my game's don't have anything special in them you cant do with any other platform, including most older versions of game maker.

      However Game Maker 8 isn't as compatible with windows as Studio, so I wouldn't recommend it

  17. Are the sprites posted 14.10.13 still relevant? I have been working on some fanart based on those~ I know you've been working on variable sprites --- so?

  18. When I use GameMaker Studio and make just a simple background for the room it play tests fine but as soon as I do anything else and play test it, it says it couldn't find a runner (or something along those lines) and keeps saying that after I try again and restart it.

    I've looked this up and apparently quite a few people have had this problem with GameMaker Studio... That really sucks =_=

    1. I'm not using the latest verison, because something about it makes it not work for me -__-

      I use 1.1.1089. You can download old versions, so try that one.

  19. Template's definitely proving useful to me as a GM newbie. I'd definitely like some more explanation of things like "What are these 'temp speed' variables for?", but I understand that kind of thing is coming, so my needs are apt to be met later even if they aren't now. I'm already seeing better ways to handle the basic collisions, so this is already useful. For what it's worth, though, the entirety of my GM "work" thus far has just been a super-simple cutesy scrolling shooter. I'll definitely be sending a few bucks on down the line once I'm in a reasonable position to do so. The thing about such templates is that knowing they're coming from someone who knows what they're doing and how to create a solid game makes me feel a lot better about learning from them!

    1. The object sets a global variable to it's speed so the object it's turning into can "inherit" it.

      But yeah, stuff like that will certainly be better explained in future versions, or when I do tutorials.

  20. i'm kinda sad to hear you don't like making hentai that much,i really enjoy your hcg and hentai sprites
    anyway even if it takes more time and you have to ramp up the price please make an effort to add hcg and if possible detailed backgounds as well

    1. where did you hear that from?

    2. I enjoy making hentai games, it's just H-sprites in particular that are bit tedious because of how easy they are to make.

  21. >no updates for almost a month

    1. Any kind of fool could see...
      There was something
      in everything about you!

  22. If you're still looking here, would it be possible to add damage reduction and/or numbers that pop up when hit?

  23. How do I open this? I'm on GM 8 Lite advanced mode

  24. Looking forward to the next parts of the template. :D
