Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Drawing practice.

Seems like lately the length of my work days end up being dictated by how long it takes for my hand to get sore -__-

I feel like having something good to play on my second monitor is often the difference between being able to focus for hours at a time, and being distracted by my own thoughts. Unless I'm programming or making music, something like drawing doesn't actually require too much attention. It seems like even if your mind is elsewhere, as long as your eyes are focused on the artwork, your brain can just sort of connect the dots in the background.

I need to find more stuff to listen to while I work. Something with a huge backlog that will last....weeks..
Twitch streams tend to be handy. They're often 2-3 hours in length, so I can get through an entire large sprite or two.

Any recommendations?


  1. What do you think about D&D? D&D podscasts are usually quite long, And quite fun to listen to. I would recommend " Acquisitions Incorporated ". Quite a big backlog of podcasts, With plenty of hours worth of content.

  2. I like to listen to talky Gaming related shows on Youtube while I'm multitasking. Extra Credits is a really good one that talks about game design in general, some other shows I've liked listening to are Did You Know Gaming, Pop Fiction, The Completionist, Classic Game Room, Ashens (he's not game related most of the time), and The Gaming Historian.

    Other times I just find a Twitch speedrun of a game I like. :3

  3. You can always listen to buddy complex

  4. Salty Bet (saltybet.com). It's nice background noise for me, at least. If that doesn't suit your tastes then anything from Awesome Games Done Quick (https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedDemosArchiveSDA/videos). If you want pure sound, Rainymood (www.rainymood.com) or Listen to Wikipedia (http://listen.hatnote.com/).

    If you want music and don't mind randomness, there's always Pandora (pandora.com), too.

  5. Twitch Plays Pokemon; it's everlasting :---)

  6. Cute girl <3
    Some thoughts on her boobs:
    Sorry for the quality. No tablet right now. :x

    1. Actually, I plugged my tablet in and had some fun messing around. I hope you don't mind.
      If you want me to take them down, just let me know. Figured I'd share a few ideas with you, though. Mostly how the breasts hang, and how her left breast connects to her shoulder.Very cute design! =)

    2. Yeah, breasts are tough. I'm trying to work on methods that will allow me to animate them easily, just like the rest of the body. How they hang is certainly one of the hardest parts. (Not making them look too round.

      In retrospect,

      I suppose I should only do that to the bottom of the breast if it's being seen from below.

    3. Yar, exactly right. You were mixing perspective a little there. No worries, though. The consruction overall is good, and she's cute. Thanks for sharing, and glad if I helped. :)

    4. When I visited your blog today, and saw that Kitsune, I was like ''wow she looks nice'' On a side-note it's always nice to see (and know) the processes you are sharing.

    5. Maybe you already have seen these, but here are some refs that might help in case you haven't.



  7. I find that what really helps me concentrate on drawing is listening to Port Blue and other chill, relaxing music. I turn on Port Blue radio on the Pandora app on my phone and then work for hours.

  8. Jesus... she looks so fucking hot... If only the holo deck from star trek was out in real life. I'd do her... idgaf.

  9. Northernlion does a fun thrice weekly gaming/lets play show on twitch and youtube, The Northernlion Live Supershow. Each one is 3 hours and he has a lot of backlog available.

    Either way keep up the good work.

  10. This guy. http://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com/

  11. I use spotify for random music

  12. If you like listening to semi-intellectual stuff NPR programs such as Radiolab are pretty good!

  13. If you have a taste for doujin music, here's thousands of Touhou arranges all on one page, no downloading required. There's a ton of variety here; classic, jazz, rock, electro, dubstep, vocal, instrumental, pop, denpa, you name it. Good if you need some inspiration.


    Here are some of my favorite circles
    Alstroemeria Records
    Liz Triangle
    Silver Forest
    Digital Wing
    K2 Sound
    Sound Holic
    Syrup Comfiture
    Alice's Emotion
    Sound Sepher

    1. Retro Future Girls is an amazing album, by the way.


    2. This indeed an awesome website, with a huge collection of tracks. Thank you for sharing :)

  14. Well I always hear themes like from diferent Series/games/Animes and so on ^^ for example Pokemon One Piece Digimon Finial Fantasy Streeet fighter and much more ^^ ähh just a question Kiri °.° well ähh o///o do you always make the cover of your games well like in Kurovadis?? I meen It´s good but, ähh it´s really difficult to tell my Stepmother some excuse why the Girls are nought and it still no iss a porn game. (I can´t pay with my Visa so I have to ask her to pay ><) (It would be akward if she knew that i like such games) (and even more because I´m a Girl) I know I have a boyfriend but still I like your games ^.^ well you don´t have to Change it still i would like to see that same Kind of cover but well I don´t know >< I feel noughty iff my Stepmum see how I am XD

    1. Well, the reason the covers have been like that so far is because I've always been exausted once a game is done, so I just want to release it and get it over with. That usually means using the CGs and in-game screenshots as covers.

      Even then, there will always been screenshots of adult related stuff on here, since otherwise people wouldn't know what kind of content is in it, or get a good idea as to the quality of the CGs. (And I don't exactly want people starting it up not knowing it's adult oriented..)

    2. ou did a Point ^.^ you right hmm could you do perhaps something to pay with visa?? if not don´t matter ^^ (oh and don´t worry I´m 20) XP

    3. If I'm not mistaken, paypal accepts Visa. Is there a reason why it doesn't work?

    4. I've used Visa for both Kurovadis and Eroico and had no problems with it. Maybe it is a regional restriction? (although I live out of the USA)

    5. ohh =( I live in Germany .T.T.

    6. a german Visa should work, as far as I know.
      and yup, paypal accepts Visa.

      do you have some special kind of Visa or a regular one? o.O
      (at least I heard that there's some other... I don't know what it actually is...I guess it's a different kind of Visa)

      Wenn es hilft, kann ich auch auf Deutsch schreiben ^^

    7. XD cool Naja ich hab eine Speziele visa die sich nicht überziehen lässt ^^ I have an Special Visa where I can´t pay more than the Money that I put in it ^^"

    8. Oh okay, dass ist die "spezielle" Visa die ich meinte, ja.
      Ich schätze da kann ich leider nicht weiter helfen, das einzige was mir einfällt wäre das du dir ein Paypal Konto erstellen könntest, aber falls das keine Option ist fällt mir gerade auch keine Lösung ein, tut mir leid das ich da keine große Hilfe bin ^^"

      Oh okay, that's the "special" Visa I was talking about, yes.
      I guess I can't help you with that, the only other option that would work out would be if you create a Paypal account, but if this is no option for you I guess it can't be helped, I'm sorry that I'm not of much help ^^"

    9. oh weiss aber garnicht wie XD Hey Moment! >< Bissu der/die die Paperheads gemacht hat?!? o.0 wegen Wolfenstahl! >< Wusste garnicht dassu Deutsch Kannst XD Yay -^.^-

    10. ich hab gerade bei der Shop Seite (Kurovadis) bei Paypal geschaut und gesehen, dass man auch mit "Lastschrift" bezahlen kann. (also über normales Bankkonto)
      das könnte doch funktionieren? ^^
      dafür braucht man auch keinen Paypal Account.

      und ja, ich hab Paperheads gemacht, und ich bin die Person namens "Wolfenstahl" ^^

    11. cool >///< Wie ist es so ein spiel zu erstellen?? ^^ Und wie geht die Arbeit voran?? ^^ Du arbeitest ja an so einen spiel über so ein blondes Mädchen denk ich ^^ Und Lastschrift meinst du damit meine Giro Karte?? (Diese Rote) Hasst du denn noch andere Pläne?? Wirst du über diese Wolfs Schwestern auch ein Spiel erstellen?? ^^ Also Paperheads fand ich voll cool XD Ich denk das einzige was mir fehlte waren mehr Weibliche Gegner ; D Ps: Spielst du zufällig Elsword??

    12. Jop, das geht mit der Giro Karte (Giro Konto).
      Paypal ist da laut meiner eigenen Erfahrungen auch vertrauenswürdig genug das die keinen Mist mit deinen Konto Daten machen ^^

      So viele Fragen auf einmal xD
      Ich will Kyrierus Blog nicht vollspammen, wenn du möchtest kannst du mir im ULMF-Forum ne PN schicken, falls du das Forum kennst, es heißt einfach nur ULMF (findet man über Google) und dreht sich um Hentai Games, da heiße ich auch Wolfenstahl.
      Ich würde vorschlagen, dass wir da weiter schreiben?

      Ansonsten findest du die neuesten Infos zu den Games an denen ich arbeite auch auf meinem Blog ^^
      (Elsword hab ich mal gespielt, aber das ist schon länger her)

  15. rainwave.cc

    then change the station to "covers". I figure people only cover music they think is good, so it's better on average.

  16. Nobody suggested vip.swf?

    Nice to listen to old video game music whilde drawing! (it also gets updated)

    Also breasts needs better 'ballistics' (don't want to be a jackass)

  17. :}

  18. I listen to audiobooks on CD sometimes. Many public libraries have large collections of them.

  19. Not really sure what kind of music you're into but if you're just looking for length then I'd recommend the Fire Emblem: Awakening OST since each song lasts quite a bit. Around 77 songs in there but and some of them are variations but personally it's something that keeps me on track whilst drawing.


    Yet again, I don't know your taste or if you even LIKE OSTs in the first place but the other would be from the Ace Attorney series, so here:


    Duel Destinies:




    Sorry if you don't like any of these and if that's the case you can remove the comment if you want!

    1. Only problem is that those are all games I haven't played yet, but want to when I have the time. I always feel like it might lessen the experience when I play the game if I've already heard the music.

    2. Ah, that's perfectly fine! As long as you get around to playing them eventually when you give yourself a break! I understand what you mean so it's best to preserve that experience. I take it you have a 3DS already then so that's cool.

    3. Nope, don't have one yet. Can't afford to buy one right now. First I've got to finish this project, then I need to make sure I can hire someone for the next project.

      Then comes free time and spending money for myself -__-

    4. Nothing is for eternity. The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. Money was made to waste it and not to save it. If you don't spent money for yourself you will never do and thus you will never have nice things you ever wanted.

      Just do what you want and don't put yourself restraints

  20. Documentaries. Just Youtube... pretty literally anything, and you'll find a plethora of 20-120 min documentaries.

  21. if you're into good house dj work, check out a guy named Shinichi Osawa on Soundcloud. Guy is great, and his beats are fun, but droning, as most mixes are, so they're great for working on stuff.

  22. if you like Techno/Trance/DnB/Dubstep/etc. then check out this Internet Radio Website called Digitally Imported. Has around 40+ stations, and as long as you ignore the occasional commercial, totally free!

  23. Good bands to listen too while working are Judas Priest/ Metallica/ Motorhead/ Black Sabbath/ Megadeth, that sorta stuff.
    I'm an expert on music.
    My music taste is the best.

  24. Out of curiosity, what do you normally listen to when working? Im a big fan of "Epic battle music" on youtube. There are quite a few mixes so you dont see too many repeats.

    1. It's always something different. I tend to gravitate towards sad classical music, since I like dramatic music, but a ton of loud music for 4+ hours is too much.

      However, lately I find that things with talking are more effective, since it prevents me from thinking about other stuff and getting distracted.

  25. There is only one answer. You need to listen to Guile's Theme from Street Fighter. It goes with everything.

    Also... I kinda like her tits. I don't see anything wrong with them, but maybe I'm drunk.

  26. I'm not sure if this is the kind of music you like to listen to.
    Lately I'm listening to music from F-777.

    Anyway, nice sketch, I really love kemonomimis ^___^

  27. Audio books and pod casts come to mind as good options. That's a lot of talking that can last for a very long time and there will always be more that you can listen to while working. Extra points for never having to look at the screen like with streams or other videos.

  28. I recommend Critical Hit. It's a D&D 4e podcast. One of the most entertaining things I've listened to, period. Grab it from the beginning and enjoy.

  29. Try Game Grumps, I listen to playlists while working/playing games, or ProJared's nuzlocke challenge.

    1. I've gone through game grumps multiple times..and Projared's Nuzlocke -__-
      Can't watch his other nuzlocke because I haven't played that one yet. Also watched all of Projared's streams, like MGS, which was good.

    2. Try a long anime with an english dub? I did this with OnePiece not too long ago and ended up falling in love with the series.

  30. Touhou music is always good. Here's one of many playlists I listen to when I play strategy games.


  31. Wanna listen to one of the best podcasts ever?
    Here: http://superbestfriendcast.com/
    These guys own a YouTube channel called TheSw1tcher but are widely known as Two Best Friends Play. Not as popular as other gaming channels, but still incredibly etertaining. In their podcast they talk about stuff happening in the gaming world as well as community, and each one lasts min 1h30 mins and usually 2-3 hours. They are pretty epic, I strongly recommend it.

  32. If you're into Jazz, might I suggest a nice mix of Dark Jazz here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L33XI7ZnNjQ&feature=share&list=RDL33XI7ZnNjQ

    You may also enjoy some rain in the background to really get into the mood: http://www.rainymood.com/

  33. I like this, so cute and sexy....

  34. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAsCf7l9enM&list=PL67595BA2D682318B i usually listen to this amv playlist on repeat, theres a lot of songs on there i never wouldve found otherwise

  35. If you're interested in watching /listening to people roleplaying Dungeons and Dragons, consider giving the "RollPlay Solum" series on Youtube a try. They've got an excellent DM (imo) and the players themselves have had about 9 months of practice (their previous series) so they've gotten pretty good at it. First part is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDtPFq5bh8

    They're up to week 16 or something now, around 4h/week. The same guy also uploads several other roleplaying series such as Dark Heresy etc. If you don't mind watching newbies play, the same group has another series just titled "Rollplay" that lasted from spring up until Christmas last year.

  36. Do you (or one of your friends) have Netflix? I find myself defaulting to Family Guy or Archer while animating. Also! the full series of Penn and Teller: Bullshit is uploaded to youtube. You're sure to find an episode that piques your interest. It's fuckin' funny and informative, and there's a TON of them available.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJfswXOmsZw
      Here's an episode that calls out bullshit to the idea that videogames lead to teen violence.

  37. If you aren't listening to the No Agenda podcast, you should. It's a ridiculously funny and informative news/politics analysis show. I think of it as a good way to test my critical thinking skills... the hosts--Adam Curry (yes, 80s MTV's Adam Curry) and John C. Dvorak--sometimes come up with wild and silly theories (especially Adam), but the news clips they find and highlight are totally worth the listen. And it's always funny (though it can take some time to get acquainted with the show's many inside jokes and running themes).

    Twice a week, and each one is over 2 and a half hours, generally. (Sometimes much longer.) Lots of time to get work done while listening. And it's all listener-supported through donations, so no ads. I'm a HUGE fan. http://www.noagendashow.com

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. A NEW CHALLENGER HAS APPEARED! http://sketchtoy.com/53924626

  40. She is so cute oh my god

  41. A little late here, but Soundcloud plays through related songs automatically. If you can find one you like, it'll go on for a pretty long time.
