Yes, Hilda! Voted for that one and also for Maka. Get hype!
Awesome stuff. I had my heart set on Marina (Mischief Makers), but Hilda should be good too. I imagine there are only so many popular characters you can go through...
That smirk
Character: Fio Germi (Metal Slug)
+1 Fio is sexy AND from a sidescroller like your games ^^
+1 I dig it
Vote for both Fio and tentacles, these animations went on without tentacles for far too long.
Hell yeah, my vote goes to her
Hell yes to Fio from me, too. This is my vote!
Since Yoko did not win the poll, I would like to re-suggest my previous "quicksand" idea here, since it also fits. Fio would get stuck in slime and gradually submerge. Under the surface her clothes dissolve and she is fucked by the slime enveloping her body.
+1 Fio. I also like dissolving clothes, whether it be with tentacles or with slime. Some acid spewing enemies even did that to the girls in the original games :3
+1 i like all the above
I support the quicksand slime thing, since as evidenced even by other popular characters in this vote, we'll see tentacle rape sooner or later anyway. Either way +1
vote fio
upvote for tentaclesthe slime trap could also work, but we need to be able to see what is happening to her down there
+1 for Tentacles
+1 vote. So long as her glasses remain intact I am pleased.
+1 alien tentacles
Kyrieru use Tackle attack!!!
Character: Inkling (F)
Scene: Uses tentacle hair to give a handjob (tentacle-job?). Maybe as a way of refilling her "ink-tank" ?
Character: Misaka sisters (To Aru 'verse)(also, wow for the animation and yay for Hilda :) )
They are clones, so you could make a loop where it looks like a moving production line where they are milked/fucked/something else before moving on to the next one
HOLY SHIT YEAH! To improve the loop, he could also have the real Mikoto mixed in without much change. Just swap the eyes and the expression O_o
Supporting this!
OH YEAH! This I want to see.
Genius. This needs to be made. Also, the production line could make them wear nipple rings.
Please, please, please, do this. And when you do, make it pump them fully with a large mechanical dildo, not that gentle inseminator from the Asuka animation.
I like the way the rumpelking thinks. +1(Also masterful job on the Marie animation)
This comment has been removed by the author.
All of my +1's.
+1Even if it did't win, this here looks like a serious extra animation nominee for me wink wink nudge nudge
Character: Gardevoir
character: Yoko Littner (Gurren Lagann)Made a slave of beastmen and gangbanged
Seconding this just as promised. Suggesting either her very first outfit, or a generic slave girl outfit (loose top + loincloth)
I third Yoko. Anyone voting for anything else, look here like violation.
+1 boing boing bang bang
+1 Yoko. My dream scene: An alien-like creature jumps on her back. It stings her breasts which makes them expand and pop the bikini top. Then, it penetrates her with a long long segmented tail while she lactates uncontrollably.
Gimme some Yoko breast expansion. Voting for this.
+1 alien
+ Yoko
My vote goes to Yoko, too.
Voting for this
Another vote for Yoko breast expansion.
Character: Elenor / RAcaseal from Phantasy Star Online
Now that's something you don't hear about every day! +1. That game had the best androids.
Character: Samus / Super MetroidI'd prefer her in the varia suit, just because zero suit is over-used
Character: Hatsune Miku
I'd love something like what happens to the girl on this page:
Would've suggested penetration involving a leek, but then again, that would probably make the pic more funny than sexy lolThe bondage + snake-tentacley thing look cool though.
Vote Miku. Also, you can never go wrong with getting inspired by Lightning Warrior Raidy.
Miku sleeping on a bed wearing only in a loose shirt and panties gets tentacled by monster under the bed.
Vote for mixing the ideas - monster under the bed spread-eagling her and then its babies - those snake tentacles entering her ^_^
+1 Spread legs cameltoe would be nice
Make it an open shirt (or make a tentacle pop the buttons) and you can count me in.
+1 for some surprise night action for Miku
Character: Marina Liteyears (Mischief Makers)I'm still pushing for it!!! More robot girl love!
+1Shake Shake!
+1 from me, too!!Shake, shake, shake~!!(I really need to just fix my N64 ;~;)
+1 for shake shake
+1 for this.Underrated game btw.
Export the png sequence from flash. When you export, click the dropdown menu where it says swf and change it to png sequence. Then take all the images and compile them into a gif with photoshop or some other gif making software. Since the pauses will be carried over from flash in the sequence, you just have to give each frame the same timing.
Only problem is that I controlled fps with action script. I wonder if it runs when you render. Rendering as a gif seemed to mess up the frame rate completely.
In that case you'll have to switch the frame rate in PS or whatever you use to make it into a gif. Don't export straight to gif with flash, its all messed up.
Character: Patricia Wagon or Q-bee.WayForward girls are so qt...and sexy. :3
I also want to see Patricia. Out of her uniform, shackled to a wall and fucked violently POV.PS: Next time create a vote just for one character, we are voting for single characters and people might not reply if they want just one of them.
+1Nah, keep the uniform(delicious leotard), just get rid of the helmet.
I too vote for Patty Wagon. but maybe with a crossover with launch octopus from mega man x for some breast sucking action via tentacles. +1
Vote Patty, since she is also a robot girl and Marina didn't win.
Ill take Patricia Wagon, handcuffed in a cell because shes a policewoman. Qbee maybe some other time.
+1 for Patty Wagon.He said he'd decide the pose, guys. Just choose the character.
Well, sort of. What I said was that you vote for the character, but I still take suggestions for the scene into consideration when I'm deciding what to do.
Vote for shackled Patty. Tally marks on inner thighs would be a nice touch.
Another vote for Patty raped in handcuffs
What? Nami didn't win? Oh well. There are other opportunities. Nami for next animation, please.
+1 Still in for the invisible Absalom scene in the shower
Same deal. Nami + bikini + tentacles
vote tentacles
Tentacles - post time-skip, bikiniInvisible rape - pre timeskip, shower
+1 Nami
+1 vote invisible rape
Isabelle (Animal Crossing) Giving a blowjob under the mayor's desk
Ruby from RWBY getting tentacle raped or gangbanged by creatures of grimm
Hell yeah.
Are the characters that were mentioned previously out of the competition for a week like it was two weeks ago, or does the only apply to the ones that were in the previous poll?
Seems like Ky has no rules about repetition of characters, but if you want your character to win (like I want Korra for example), I would refrain from re-entering immediately, so she doesn't get tired to people...
GM works fine for low res stuff, and it's simplicity makes it faster for me when I'm doing in-game sprites. For high res stuff, on the other hand, I basically need to find something that has layers, and also allows for quick shifting, and shortkey settings. Perhaps I'll give gale another look, now that I might have more use for it.
Hurray for filling the minimal futa quota with this animation. Now we can have our cute girls untouched, without you completely neglecting that particular demographic XD
Oh, it's my favorite Squid~ Nice one!
Sachiko from Corpse Party
Why not using Adobe Photoshop ? There are layers, you can do animation and export to .gif file with transparent background. I believe you can even add sound (with CS6, CC 2014 and CC 2015) if you export to a video file.
Vote: Samus. Zero suit or armor.
Try ASEprite. It has onion skin layers, you can animate frame by frame while seeing the frame before it underneath. Transparency is selected by color at any time. Of course you can save as .gif and it IMPORTS .gif sprites as frames and lays them all out (I've done this in the past to learn from your sprites).Really solid program, but the beta (free) while having all the features i listed has worse UI from the release version but its whatever. Release has way faster palette control as well.
How about making other versions of this one, but with her sister Callie or the inkling girl at the receiving end instead?A relatively fast edit (?) for two gifs with a new feeling to it.
T~TAny more of these drawings and you could create a cult. If not already.By the way, when do you plan to start those once-per-three-weeks animations? I did not fully understand the update on Patreon. "Month 1: Extra animation Month 2: Draw animation" seem to contradict "I'll do an extra animation for every three weekly animations that I make"Thanks for explanation.
.....huhWell, I guess I screwed up. I assume that at the time of writing the stretch goals I wrote every three weeks with low resolution in mind, but then when writing out the schedule, I assumed that it would be every second month with high-res in mind. Or least, that's the only conclusion I can come to.That said, three weeks is what's in the stretch goals, so that's what I'll have to do. I'm surprised I made such an oversight -___-As for when I'll start, I suppose since Asuka is the first Paid animation, The Hilda sprite will be the third. I'll decide when I'll do the extra animation sometime today, and I'll do a Patreon Post.
Thanks for the answer Kyrieru ^_^Do both of the options cost you the same amount of time? Maybe you did not have to change your plans and could have just asked backers if their prefer more low res animations or less but hi-res. If you keep things transparent, surely no-one can blame you for modifying the stretch goals?
Rika from Digimon
Hey Ky, want me to take a look at importing into flash? I was the anon who offered to put it all together for you before, I'll try importing the shantae gif into Flash and get it working because I know I've imported gifs into the main timeline before.
To clarify,I can import gifs, but since I'm importing them as symbols on the timeline they appear static (which is fine, it just means that I can't see it animate real-time). Thinking about it now, I assume that I can copy the frames of the symbol, and paste them on the timeline, so maybe I'll try that next time.
Yup, looks like that worked. Good to know for next time.
Yeah I had no problem using "import to stage" and having every frame in the .gif show up on the main timeline, but copying frames and pasting them in the MT works as well.
"Why not use photoshop?" Because it sucks for pixel art compared to dedicated tools like Gale. I really wish non-artists would stop throwing out crappy advice that's just clouding the waters. GraphicsGale is perfect for pixel art, kyrieru. Please give it another shot. It'll save you hours of headache. Good layers functions, easy color changing, easy animation timing settings, and indexed palettes make it the best pixel art tool I've ever used.
Okay I went ahead and made it anyways, if this is what you had in mind then I'll send you the .fla and you can add sounds and whatnot. I don't see what you mean by not seeing frames in the timeline though, I have flash cs6 and whenever I take the gif and "import to stage", it comes up as properly spaced out keyframes on the main timeline. Might be a CS6 fix.Anyways, here's the swf for you (and everyone) to check out:!mYljnSyT!Z2M9ESo-ovZmTT6Z_BPY_kfM471_YsaZj1wxAO7SST8
Sure, I'd appreciate it. Mostly for the fact that it will save me the time of looking up how to do buttons lol. I'll have to do some tutorials on basic variables and stuff anyway, though, since I shouldn't be handling loops by literally posting the same frames multiple times -__-As for the whole importing thing; Importing it to the library and then copying the frames to the stage would be the same as importing to the stage. It just gives an easier way of finding the frames of each loop later, more or less.
Yeah I just had to eyeball it from the timeline. I'll send it to you, and it looks a little messy, but this is the main gist:-The timeline breaks down the animation into loops and transitions. The flash starts on loop1, and when you click the next button, it goes into a transition (where the buttons disappear) and then into loop2 (where the buttons reappear.)-I set three variables from the start: "loop1" is set to "true", and "loop2" and "loop3" are set to "false".-The very end of each loop has a "teleporter" that will remain active and kick the timeline marker back to the first frame of the loop if the "loop#" variable is set to "true". If it's set to "false" (by clicking the 'next' button), the marker passes through the code and into the next stage of the animation. This ensures a seamless transition to the next part of the timeline without "jumping" suddenly and interrupting the fluidity of your animation. The back button, however, isn't so fluid, but oh well.
Emailed it to you, and included plenty of notes to explain what's going on with the code.
Oh! And you can delete the backgrounds by tracing the bitmaps of each frame. It's very tedious so I'll do that for you right now, I'll send you an updated .fla file in about 10 minutes.
Done and done, sending now.
Aaaaand finished the midna one too, I'll get the asuka one later tonight.
Nice work based anon!
Thanks! They were fun to make. If ky doesn't mind I can throw out the links to the other ones and see if they go viral, though he may get a panic attack if that happens. Should throw his name on the corner of 'em though.
Well. I would watch them. But authors choice
weren't you just preparing them for Kyrieru to build on them? nothing against modification(like adding stuff to corners) but shouldn't he have the right to upload finished ones first? just a thought.
I'll just email him and see, I don't know if he wants to add sound to them or what. Some people like to also keep tabs on how much something gets viewed for analytical purposes and whatnot.
Well, the only downsides to someone uploading modified versions is that some people will think I made them, or it will give my versions less impact when I do release them. Like "Oh, I already saw this last week", etc.If you want to show them here then I'm okay with that, however I'd prefer if they weren't uploaded on other sites before I've done my own Flash versions with sound and everything. I'll probably come up with a cohesive style to be shared between them, so I wouldn't be worried about it after that point.
I'll just hold off then, it's pretty much just the animated gifs but with simple controls, nothing to get excited about.
Lenneth Valkyrie from Valkyrie Profile!
Lara Croft hypnotized and turned futa by a looted artifact.
Chocolat Gelato From Solatorobo
Well... I just proposing!And yes, Photoshop isn't the best when it comes to pixel art, but it has some good fonctions that could be useful ... When you know how to use it, I guess... Oh and sorry for not being an "artist", I'm really sorry... I'm just a graphical designer, so I can't help with "throwing crappy advice"... And yes, that's a sarcasm if you didn't get it! PS: Sorry for the mess, kyrieru.
Glad I wasn't the one to commit the sin of suggesting Photoshop...Gale does look useful and like something that should be looked into, but jeeze, that reaction was uncalled for -_-
Yeah... Well next time I keep my suggestions for myself, I suppose. =p
I still use PS for some stuff. Mostly color correction, and indexing when I need to. It looks like I might also need to use it to make gifs transparent.
Tsukihi and Koyomi Arararagi!
I'd like to see one of Kuro!
You might be getting quite a few more views, Zone just tweeted about you.
Geh, but I haven't done anything worth mentioning least wait until they have sound and some semblance of presentation lol.I need to hurry up and decide on a format for these.
I think it comes from an appreciation of excellent spritework and animation. Don't get too freaked out over "finishing" them, they already stand on their own as great works of art.
Faye Valentine from Cowboy BebopI don't understand how this doesn't interfere with your Noaika work.
If something takes 10 hours, but you do it across a whole week, then it doesn't take 10 hours out of every day -__-.
So, in your next game.. whenever that is. Will the scenes be this hi res?
If there's stuff like this, then it would be replacing CGs, since they take as long, or longer to make.
I'm all for high res animations like these over CG's. Your illustrations are pretty good, but these gifs are absolutely phenomenal.
I think I would like these more than CGs
yes i second this idea :-D
This is some great news. I mean, you made great improvements in your CGs since Kurovadis and new ones would be probs even better, but your sprite work is just *chk chk**Sir Slicer image here*
Congrats on being noticed by Zone-sama.I was going to suggest Zone-tan as a potential character, but given the circumstances, it probably wouldn't be a good idea.
when zone does an animation of noaika lol
Zone would probably be flattered. He loves getting fanart of Zone-tan. I don't see him having any problems with having a sprite animation for her.
Character request: Zone-Tan
Dude, seriously, even if you surpassed your original goal, you should put your Patreon link on the sidebar so it is more visible.
how come you don't make games with sprites this size? they look amazing!
Because that would take forever lol.
Edit:I'm the evil bastard who suggested GG earlier. Sorry for the mildly harsh reply, Mikado. I just don't want kyrieru wasting his time with suggestions from people who don't know what they're suggesting. (No, graphic design and pixel animations are not the same thing, sorry, hahah!)@Kyrieru:Nope, Gale does color indexing and transparent gifs too, Kyrieru! =)Each layer of the animation has a transparency color, as does each frame. You can set them with the "..." buttons. For color indexing, go to All Frames > Color Depth, and set it to 256 or whatever. Your palette will be indexed after you change the color depth. I usually draw and pick all my colors first using full color, and then index the palette at the end to make easy tweaks across every frame. The program is fucking great, hahah. Should save you a lot of time. If you need to know how anything works, feel free to ask me here. =D
lol how about half the size, btw i was wondering what would be the average amount of funds you would need to full finance a game the length oh kurovardis? i'm in the planning stages of making a game myself but i was wondering how much i would need for expenses
There are a few things I don't really like about it, mostly the way shifting works, and a couple other nuances. But other than that it's pretty good.As for transparency, unfortunately Gale doesn't really have a simple way to do it since you have to apply settings to every frame. So instead I need to use an external program.
@HentaiPixelYeah, thanks, I know that graphic design and pixel animations are two different worlds. But that's not the point... It's just that I don't appreciate when people says stuff like : "You're not an artist, so you know nothing ! ..."But whatever ...Anyway, you're completely right when you said that Photoshop wasn't for pixel art animation, but like I said, I was just proposing a solution for the issue that Kyrieru with layer and transparency.But since Kyrieru already use Photoshop, I was pretty sure that he wouldn't waste time doing complete animation with it.
I use ASEprite for my spriting! You can get a version for free, the most recent updated version is like $10, best spriting software I've ever used. Transparency, layer and frame control, onion skinning, all your necessary features and very little superfluous software bloat. I highly recommend it if you haven't settled on a good spriting software (Some people I know swear by GraphicsGale, but I never got the hang of it. Didn't like the UI that much)
Character: Sōsō Mōtoku/Karin (Koihime†Musou)
scene: Captured and gang-raped by Bandits.
Recettear : any
Character: Elena (Pandora's Tower) doing a paizuri with a cumfaceorChocola Meilleur (Sugar Sugar Rune) doing a naizuri but obviously she has a small breasts, so she gets angry because she cannot make ejaculate her partner x)
Riven (League of Legends) on her side getting spooned by Yasuo (League of Legends)
@Mikado, yeah, sorry for my first response. I assumed you had no artistic background at all at first because everyone on the planet says "Photoshop!" when asked what program to use. If you're a graphic designer, then you probably have actual reasons for suggesting Photoshop, so my bad. Still though, there are better programs out there for animation! =)@Kyrieru:I'm not sure what you mean by "shifting," so let me know, and I can probably suggest something.As for transparency...there are a few things you can do to make it easier on yourself. First of all, if you're making animations for GameMaker, then you don't need another program to get rid of the background color for you - just go to the sprite editing screen in GM, where it shows all your frames for the sprite, and hit Control + Shift + E for the "erase color" command. Then just click the background to eyedropper it, and GM will take care of that problem for you.If you're making animations like the one you've been posting here, you don't *need* to erase the background color, so you don't need another program to do it for you. What I normally do for long animations though, is make a blank first frame, and then fill in the background color. Set that color as the frame's transparency color so you can use onion skinning, and then duplicate that frame a bunch of times so you have a bunch of empty usable frames. Yeah, it'd be ideal if there was a setting to have frames be transparent by default, but unfortunately you have to use this little work around as far as I know. Not too hard to get around, though. If you go into the preferences menu, you can set keyboard shortcuts for literally EVERY command, which makes things *super* fast when you get situated with the program. I'd suggest setting a shortcut for duplicating frames first, with these huge animations you're working on, hahah. =)If you have any other questions, let me know. =)
Shifting = box select and move. It works fine, I just don't like certain things about it in Gale.As for transparency, I only need transparency for these weekly animations, since I will be importing them into Flash. Although I may start using Gale for H-animations for me games, I'll probably still use GM since it's does everything I need it to do for normal sprites, and the fact that it's integrated into GM makes it much faster for a lot of stuff.As for Gale, the only thing that's particularly bugging me so far is the cursor, which I hope I can change. everything else is mostly fine. Though I don't like that right clicking is the eye dropper, which I'd prefer to set to a key.
[Gah, I was there was an edit button, here. My grammar and spelling are always horrible in my first drafts. :'D]-----------------------------------Ah, okay. That's what I thought you might've meant by shifting, but I'm not sure how GG does it that's any different from any other program, and I couldn't think of anything that could be changed about it, so I thought it must be something else, hahah! I won't badger you about what exactly you think is wrong with it, but I'll let you know that you can use the mouse as well as the keyboard to move your selection, in case the problem was you thought it wasn't exact enough.I'd say the time you save importing sprites into GM is negligible compared to the time you'll save by using GG over GM's editor, but that depends on how fast you are in GM's editor, I guess. I'll admit I never really established a good workflow in GM's editor, since I was already well-practiced in using GG's strengths and working around its weaknesses. =)As for GG's cursor, I don't know of a way to change it, unfortunately. That might just be my lack of knowledge, though - the cursor never bothered me, because it's obvious where your pixel is going to land with the default cursor. I'm assuming you want something closer to just a simple dot, which I usually prefer, too, but that's because most programs that -don't- use a simple dot make it hard to tell where your stroke is going to land, which GG isn't guilty of.If you end up enjoying GraphicsGale enough after a week or so of using it that you decide to keep it as part of your normal workflow, you might consider sending an email to the program's creator over on GG's website. He's Japanese, so his English isn't perfect, but it's good enough, and he's super friendly and actually went ahead and added a few of the things I suggested way back. Worth a shot, if you find yourself using the program a lot, especially for something as easy to add as custom cursors.Cheers, Kyrieru. =D
Ah, also - you could try asking PixelPileDriver over at about anything GG related, or just go through his old posts. He's pretty much the biggest champion of the program I've met - if you go through his old posts, they're full of cool little tricks to the program that you won't learn without playing with it for hours.
The speed of using GM instead of external programs isn't really negligible, because there are certain things that aren't going to benefit from any of GG's extra functions.When it comes to game-sized character animation, I only need a few things.- ability to cycle frames- pencil- box select/shift- eyedropper- ability to preview animationAll of which GM has, and none of which is made faster by GG. I don't need layers with certain kinds of animation, because it's all redrawing and shifting. Especially in situations where I'm constantly going back and fourth between programming and tweaking animations, GG would slow me down a lot. I can see how some people might feel uncomfortable without layers as a failsafe, but I'm used to the workflow by this point, and for a lot of stuff it's much faster.Instead, GG will be useful for anything that will benefit from layers. For example, with H-animations I can save the project file with layers intact, meaning I can make variations of them far easier than I could otherwise. It will also be useful for animations with a lot of moving parts. (for example, if I wanted something spinning around an object and didn't want to program it.)
Yar, whatever works best for you, of course. =)Personally, I can't live without layers, indexed colors, GG's awesome color changing tool, or GG's animation timing settings and animation previews. If you don't think those things are worth spending an extra ten seconds to load in your sprites inside GM, then they're not worth it to you.I mean, there's no arguing with the results you've had with GM's editor so far. Your work always ends up great! =D
Hello, Kyrieru!I like adult pixel games and wanna do them too... but mine drawings very ugly =_=. Especially - pixel art. I am learning GameMaker language and it's seems not too difficult, but without graphic and sprites it doesnt make sense, i think.If it's not too hard for you, may you answer me: How you starting in pixel art? Or you know how to draw pixels from the beginning? Maybe you know where i can find some sort of guides or tutorials for the newbies without any talent in pixel art?Thank you!
Here's two I found a while back and found helpful; (It's got 11 parts and goes into detail about a variety of things) (This one's more focused on character sprites)
I also literally made a tutorial yesterday d:
Ohhh.. it's cool. Thank you again! And thank you Orexius, too!I will be working really hard to do my pixel art skill better :D
"since I haven't shown anything in a while and everyone literally thinks I'm not even working on it anymore -__-"certainly not an unreasonable assumption
How is the GIF version of this animation going?Just being curious since it's been some time.
Right now I'm more or less trying to get sound working properly. After that, I'll look into exporting Flash files as Gifs correctly. Ideally I want to do it from within Flash so that the timing is the same.
You're the man (or woman IDK), rock on
Yes, Hilda! Voted for that one and also for Maka. Get hype!
Awesome stuff. I had my heart set on Marina (Mischief Makers), but Hilda should be good too. I imagine there are only so many popular characters you can go through...
ReplyDeleteThat smirk
ReplyDeleteCharacter: Fio Germi (Metal Slug)
ReplyDelete+1 Fio is sexy AND from a sidescroller like your games ^^
Delete+1 I dig it
DeleteVote for both Fio and tentacles, these animations went on without tentacles for far too long.
DeleteHell yeah, my vote goes to her
DeleteHell yes to Fio from me, too. This is my vote!
DeleteSince Yoko did not win the poll, I would like to re-suggest my previous "quicksand" idea here, since it also fits. Fio would get stuck in slime and gradually submerge. Under the surface her clothes dissolve and she is fucked by the slime enveloping her body.
Delete+1 Fio. I also like dissolving clothes, whether it be with tentacles or with slime. Some acid spewing enemies even did that to the girls in the original games :3
Delete+1 i like all the above
DeleteI support the quicksand slime thing, since as evidenced even by other popular characters in this vote, we'll see tentacle rape sooner or later anyway. Either way +1
Deletevote fio
Deleteupvote for tentacles
Deletethe slime trap could also work, but we need to be able to see what is happening to her down there
+1 for Tentacles
Delete+1 vote. So long as her glasses remain intact I am pleased.
Delete+1 alien tentacles
DeleteKyrieru use Tackle attack!!!
ReplyDeleteCharacter: Inkling (F)
ReplyDeleteScene: Uses tentacle hair to give a handjob (tentacle-job?). Maybe as a way of refilling her "ink-tank" ?
ReplyDeleteCharacter: Misaka sisters (To Aru 'verse)
ReplyDelete(also, wow for the animation and yay for Hilda :) )
They are clones, so you could make a loop where it looks like a moving production line where they are milked/fucked/something else before moving on to the next one
DeleteHOLY SHIT YEAH! To improve the loop, he could also have the real Mikoto mixed in without much change. Just swap the eyes and the expression O_o
DeleteSupporting this!
DeleteOH YEAH! This I want to see.
DeleteGenius. This needs to be made.
DeleteAlso, the production line could make them wear nipple rings.
Please, please, please, do this. And when you do, make it pump them fully with a large mechanical dildo, not that gentle inseminator from the Asuka animation.
DeleteI like the way the rumpelking thinks. +1
Delete(Also masterful job on the Marie animation)
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAll of my +1's.
DeleteEven if it did't win, this here looks like a serious extra animation nominee for me wink wink nudge nudge
Character: Gardevoir
ReplyDeletecharacter: Yoko Littner (Gurren Lagann)
ReplyDeleteMade a slave of beastmen and gangbanged
Seconding this just as promised. Suggesting either her very first outfit, or a generic slave girl outfit (loose top + loincloth)
DeleteI third Yoko. Anyone voting for anything else, look here
DeleteWould like violation.
+1 boing boing bang bang
Delete+1 Yoko. My dream scene: An alien-like creature jumps on her back. It stings her breasts which makes them expand and pop the bikini top. Then, it penetrates her with a long long segmented tail while she lactates uncontrollably.
DeleteGimme some Yoko breast expansion. Voting for this.
Delete+1 alien
Delete+ Yoko
DeleteMy vote goes to Yoko, too.
DeleteVoting for this
DeleteAnother vote for Yoko breast expansion.
DeleteCharacter: Elenor / RAcaseal from Phantasy Star Online
ReplyDeleteNow that's something you don't hear about every day! +1. That game had the best androids.
DeleteCharacter: Samus / Super Metroid
ReplyDeleteI'd prefer her in the varia suit, just because zero suit is over-used
Character: Hatsune Miku
DeleteI'd love something like what happens to the girl on this page:
Would've suggested penetration involving a leek, but then again, that would probably make the pic more funny than sexy lol
DeleteThe bondage + snake-tentacley thing look cool though.
Vote Miku. Also, you can never go wrong with getting inspired by Lightning Warrior Raidy.
DeleteMiku sleeping on a bed wearing only in a loose shirt and panties gets tentacled by monster under the bed.
DeleteVote for mixing the ideas - monster under the bed spread-eagling her and then its babies - those snake tentacles entering her ^_^
DeleteSpread legs cameltoe would be nice
Make it an open shirt (or make a tentacle pop the buttons) and you can count me in.
Delete+1 for some surprise night action for Miku
DeleteCharacter: Marina Liteyears (Mischief Makers)
ReplyDeleteI'm still pushing for it!!! More robot girl love!
DeleteShake Shake!
+1 from me, too!!
DeleteShake, shake, shake~!!
(I really need to just fix my N64 ;~;)
+1 for shake shake
Delete+1 for this.
DeleteUnderrated game btw.
Export the png sequence from flash. When you export, click the dropdown menu where it says swf and change it to png sequence. Then take all the images and compile them into a gif with photoshop or some other gif making software. Since the pauses will be carried over from flash in the sequence, you just have to give each frame the same timing.
ReplyDeleteOnly problem is that I controlled fps with action script. I wonder if it runs when you render. Rendering as a gif seemed to mess up the frame rate completely.
DeleteIn that case you'll have to switch the frame rate in PS or whatever you use to make it into a gif. Don't export straight to gif with flash, its all messed up.
DeleteCharacter: Patricia Wagon or Q-bee.
ReplyDeleteWayForward girls are so qt...and sexy. :3
I also want to see Patricia. Out of her uniform, shackled to a wall and fucked violently POV.
DeletePS: Next time create a vote just for one character, we are voting for single characters and people might not reply if they want just one of them.
DeleteNah, keep the uniform(delicious leotard), just get rid of the helmet.
I too vote for Patty Wagon. but maybe with a crossover with launch octopus from
Deletemega man x for some breast sucking action via tentacles.
Vote Patty, since she is also a robot girl and Marina didn't win.
DeleteIll take Patricia Wagon, handcuffed in a cell because shes a policewoman. Qbee maybe some other time.
Delete+1 for Patty Wagon.
DeleteHe said he'd decide the pose, guys. Just choose the character.
Well, sort of. What I said was that you vote for the character, but I still take suggestions for the scene into consideration when I'm deciding what to do.
DeleteVote for shackled Patty. Tally marks on inner thighs would be a nice touch.
DeleteAnother vote for Patty raped in handcuffs
DeleteWhat? Nami didn't win? Oh well. There are other opportunities. Nami for next animation, please.
ReplyDelete+1 Still in for the invisible Absalom scene in the shower
DeleteNAMIIIII !!!!
DeleteSame deal. Nami + bikini + tentacles
Deletevote tentacles
DeleteTentacles - post time-skip, bikini
DeleteInvisible rape - pre timeskip, shower
+1 Nami
Delete+1 vote invisible rape
DeleteIsabelle (Animal Crossing)
ReplyDeleteGiving a blowjob under the mayor's desk
Ruby from RWBY getting tentacle raped or gangbanged by creatures of grimm
ReplyDeleteHell yeah.
DeleteAre the characters that were mentioned previously out of the competition for a week like it was two weeks ago, or does the only apply to the ones that were in the previous poll?
ReplyDeleteSeems like Ky has no rules about repetition of characters, but if you want your character to win (like I want Korra for example), I would refrain from re-entering immediately, so she doesn't get tired to people...
DeleteGM works fine for low res stuff, and it's simplicity makes it faster for me when I'm doing in-game sprites. For high res stuff, on the other hand, I basically need to find something that has layers, and also allows for quick shifting, and shortkey settings. Perhaps I'll give gale another look, now that I might have more use for it.
ReplyDeleteHurray for filling the minimal futa quota with this animation. Now we can have our cute girls untouched, without you completely neglecting that particular demographic XD
ReplyDeleteOh, it's my favorite Squid~ Nice one!
ReplyDeleteSachiko from Corpse Party
ReplyDeleteNO NO NO NO NO
DeleteWhy not using Adobe Photoshop ?
ReplyDeleteThere are layers, you can do animation and export to .gif file with transparent background. I believe you can even add sound (with CS6, CC 2014 and CC 2015) if you export to a video file.
Vote: Samus. Zero suit or armor.
ReplyDeleteTry ASEprite. It has onion skin layers, you can animate frame by frame while seeing the frame before it underneath. Transparency is selected by color at any time. Of course you can save as .gif and it IMPORTS .gif sprites as frames and lays them all out (I've done this in the past to learn from your sprites).
ReplyDeleteReally solid program, but the beta (free) while having all the features i listed has worse UI from the release version but its whatever. Release has way faster palette control as well.
How about making other versions of this one, but with her sister Callie or the inkling girl at the receiving end instead?
ReplyDeleteA relatively fast edit (?) for two gifs with a new feeling to it.
ReplyDeleteAny more of these drawings and you could create a cult. If not already.
By the way, when do you plan to start those once-per-three-weeks animations? I did not fully understand the update on Patreon.
"Month 1: Extra animation Month 2: Draw animation" seem to contradict "I'll do an extra animation for every three weekly animations that I make"
Thanks for explanation.
Well, I guess I screwed up. I assume that at the time of writing the stretch goals I wrote every three weeks with low resolution in mind, but then when writing out the schedule, I assumed that it would be every second month with high-res in mind. Or least, that's the only conclusion I can come to.
That said, three weeks is what's in the stretch goals, so that's what I'll have to do. I'm surprised I made such an oversight -___-
As for when I'll start, I suppose since Asuka is the first Paid animation, The Hilda sprite will be the third. I'll decide when I'll do the extra animation sometime today, and I'll do a Patreon Post.
Thanks for the answer Kyrieru ^_^
DeleteDo both of the options cost you the same amount of time? Maybe you did not have to change your plans and could have just asked backers if their prefer more low res animations or less but hi-res. If you keep things transparent, surely no-one can blame you for modifying the stretch goals?
Rika from Digimon
ReplyDeleteHey Ky, want me to take a look at importing into flash? I was the anon who offered to put it all together for you before, I'll try importing the shantae gif into Flash and get it working because I know I've imported gifs into the main timeline before.
ReplyDeleteTo clarify,I can import gifs, but since I'm importing them as symbols on the timeline they appear static (which is fine, it just means that I can't see it animate real-time). Thinking about it now, I assume that I can copy the frames of the symbol, and paste them on the timeline, so maybe I'll try that next time.
DeleteYup, looks like that worked. Good to know for next time.
DeleteYeah I had no problem using "import to stage" and having every frame in the .gif show up on the main timeline, but copying frames and pasting them in the MT works as well.
Delete"Why not use photoshop?" Because it sucks for pixel art compared to dedicated tools like Gale. I really wish non-artists would stop throwing out crappy advice that's just clouding the waters. GraphicsGale is perfect for pixel art, kyrieru. Please give it another shot. It'll save you hours of headache. Good layers functions, easy color changing, easy animation timing settings, and indexed palettes make it the best pixel art tool I've ever used.
ReplyDeleteOkay I went ahead and made it anyways, if this is what you had in mind then I'll send you the .fla and you can add sounds and whatnot. I don't see what you mean by not seeing frames in the timeline though, I have flash cs6 and whenever I take the gif and "import to stage", it comes up as properly spaced out keyframes on the main timeline. Might be a CS6 fix.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, here's the swf for you (and everyone) to check out:!mYljnSyT!Z2M9ESo-ovZmTT6Z_BPY_kfM471_YsaZj1wxAO7SST8
Sure, I'd appreciate it. Mostly for the fact that it will save me the time of looking up how to do buttons lol. I'll have to do some tutorials on basic variables and stuff anyway, though, since I shouldn't be handling loops by literally posting the same frames multiple times -__-
DeleteAs for the whole importing thing; Importing it to the library and then copying the frames to the stage would be the same as importing to the stage. It just gives an easier way of finding the frames of each loop later, more or less.
Yeah I just had to eyeball it from the timeline. I'll send it to you, and it looks a little messy, but this is the main gist:
Delete-The timeline breaks down the animation into loops and transitions. The flash starts on loop1, and when you click the next button, it goes into a transition (where the buttons disappear) and then into loop2 (where the buttons reappear.)
-I set three variables from the start: "loop1" is set to "true", and "loop2" and "loop3" are set to "false".
-The very end of each loop has a "teleporter" that will remain active and kick the timeline marker back to the first frame of the loop if the "loop#" variable is set to "true". If it's set to "false" (by clicking the 'next' button), the marker passes through the code and into the next stage of the animation. This ensures a seamless transition to the next part of the timeline without "jumping" suddenly and interrupting the fluidity of your animation. The back button, however, isn't so fluid, but oh well.
Emailed it to you, and included plenty of notes to explain what's going on with the code.
DeleteOh! And you can delete the backgrounds by tracing the bitmaps of each frame. It's very tedious so I'll do that for you right now, I'll send you an updated .fla file in about 10 minutes.
DeleteDone and done, sending now.
DeleteAaaaand finished the midna one too, I'll get the asuka one later tonight.
DeleteNice work based anon!
DeleteThanks! They were fun to make. If ky doesn't mind I can throw out the links to the other ones and see if they go viral, though he may get a panic attack if that happens. Should throw his name on the corner of 'em though.
DeleteWell. I would watch them. But authors choice
Deleteweren't you just preparing them for Kyrieru to build on them? nothing against modification(like adding stuff to corners) but shouldn't he have the right to upload finished ones first? just a thought.
DeleteI'll just email him and see, I don't know if he wants to add sound to them or what. Some people like to also keep tabs on how much something gets viewed for analytical purposes and whatnot.
DeleteWell, the only downsides to someone uploading modified versions is that some people will think I made them, or it will give my versions less impact when I do release them. Like "Oh, I already saw this last week", etc.
DeleteIf you want to show them here then I'm okay with that, however I'd prefer if they weren't uploaded on other sites before I've done my own Flash versions with sound and everything. I'll probably come up with a cohesive style to be shared between them, so I wouldn't be worried about it after that point.
I'll just hold off then, it's pretty much just the animated gifs but with simple controls, nothing to get excited about.
DeleteLenneth Valkyrie from Valkyrie Profile!
ReplyDeleteLara Croft hypnotized and turned futa by a looted artifact.
ReplyDeleteChocolat Gelato From Solatorobo
ReplyDeleteWell... I just proposing!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, Photoshop isn't the best when it comes to pixel art, but it has some good fonctions that could be useful ... When you know how to use it, I guess...
Oh and sorry for not being an "artist", I'm really sorry... I'm just a graphical designer, so I can't help with "throwing crappy advice"...
And yes, that's a sarcasm if you didn't get it!
PS: Sorry for the mess, kyrieru.
Glad I wasn't the one to commit the sin of suggesting Photoshop...
ReplyDeleteGale does look useful and like something that should be looked into, but jeeze, that reaction was uncalled for -_-
Yeah... Well next time I keep my suggestions for myself, I suppose. =p
ReplyDeleteI still use PS for some stuff. Mostly color correction, and indexing when I need to. It looks like I might also need to use it to make gifs transparent.
ReplyDeleteTsukihi and Koyomi Arararagi!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see one of Kuro!
ReplyDeleteYou might be getting quite a few more views, Zone just tweeted about you.
ReplyDeleteGeh, but I haven't done anything worth mentioning least wait until they have sound and some semblance of presentation lol.
DeleteI need to hurry up and decide on a format for these.
I think it comes from an appreciation of excellent spritework and animation. Don't get too freaked out over "finishing" them, they already stand on their own as great works of art.
DeleteFaye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop
ReplyDeleteI don't understand how this doesn't interfere with your Noaika work.
If something takes 10 hours, but you do it across a whole week, then it doesn't take 10 hours out of every day -__-.
DeleteSo, in your next game.. whenever that is. Will the scenes be this hi res?
ReplyDeleteIf there's stuff like this, then it would be replacing CGs, since they take as long, or longer to make.
DeleteI'm all for high res animations like these over CG's. Your illustrations are pretty good, but these gifs are absolutely phenomenal.
DeleteI think I would like these more than CGs
Deleteyes i second this idea :-D
DeleteThis is some great news. I mean, you made great improvements in your CGs since Kurovadis and new ones would be probs even better, but your sprite work is just *chk chk*
Delete*Sir Slicer image here*
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ReplyDeleteCongrats on being noticed by Zone-sama.
ReplyDeleteI was going to suggest Zone-tan as a potential character, but given the circumstances, it probably wouldn't be a good idea.
when zone does an animation of noaika lol
DeleteZone would probably be flattered. He loves getting fanart of Zone-tan. I don't see him having any problems with having a sprite animation for her.
DeleteCharacter request: Zone-Tan
DeleteDude, seriously, even if you surpassed your original goal, you should put your Patreon link on the sidebar so it is more visible.
ReplyDeletehow come you don't make games with sprites this size? they look amazing!
ReplyDeleteBecause that would take forever lol.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm the evil bastard who suggested GG earlier. Sorry for the mildly harsh reply, Mikado. I just don't want kyrieru wasting his time with suggestions from people who don't know what they're suggesting. (No, graphic design and pixel animations are not the same thing, sorry, hahah!)
Nope, Gale does color indexing and transparent gifs too, Kyrieru! =)
Each layer of the animation has a transparency color, as does each frame. You can set them with the "..." buttons. For color indexing, go to All Frames > Color Depth, and set it to 256 or whatever. Your palette will be indexed after you change the color depth. I usually draw and pick all my colors first using full color, and then index the palette at the end to make easy tweaks across every frame. The program is fucking great, hahah. Should save you a lot of time. If you need to know how anything works, feel free to ask me here. =D
lol how about half the size, btw i was wondering what would be the average amount of funds you would need to full finance a game the length oh kurovardis? i'm in the planning stages of making a game myself but i was wondering how much i would need for expenses
ReplyDeleteThere are a few things I don't really like about it, mostly the way shifting works, and a couple other nuances. But other than that it's pretty good.
ReplyDeleteAs for transparency, unfortunately Gale doesn't really have a simple way to do it since you have to apply settings to every frame. So instead I need to use an external program.
ReplyDeleteYeah, thanks, I know that graphic design and pixel animations are two different worlds. But that's not the point... It's just that I don't appreciate when people says stuff like : "You're not an artist, so you know nothing ! ..."
But whatever ...
Anyway, you're completely right when you said that Photoshop wasn't for pixel art animation, but like I said, I was just proposing a solution for the issue that Kyrieru with layer and transparency.
But since Kyrieru already use Photoshop, I was pretty sure that he wouldn't waste time doing complete animation with it.
I use ASEprite for my spriting! You can get a version for free, the most recent updated version is like $10, best spriting software I've ever used. Transparency, layer and frame control, onion skinning, all your necessary features and very little superfluous software bloat. I highly recommend it if you haven't settled on a good spriting software (Some people I know swear by GraphicsGale, but I never got the hang of it. Didn't like the UI that much)
ReplyDeleteCharacter: Sōsō Mōtoku/Karin (Koihime†Musou)
ReplyDeletescene: Captured and gang-raped by Bandits.
DeleteRecettear : any
ReplyDeleteCharacter: Elena (Pandora's Tower) doing a paizuri with a cumface
Chocola Meilleur (Sugar Sugar Rune) doing a naizuri but obviously she has a small breasts, so she gets angry because she cannot make ejaculate her partner x)
Riven (League of Legends) on her side getting spooned by Yasuo (League of Legends)
ReplyDelete@Mikado, yeah, sorry for my first response. I assumed you had no artistic background at all at first because everyone on the planet says "Photoshop!" when asked what program to use. If you're a graphic designer, then you probably have actual reasons for suggesting Photoshop, so my bad. Still though, there are better programs out there for animation! =)
I'm not sure what you mean by "shifting," so let me know, and I can probably suggest something.
As for transparency...there are a few things you can do to make it easier on yourself. First of all, if you're making animations for GameMaker, then you don't need another program to get rid of the background color for you - just go to the sprite editing screen in GM, where it shows all your frames for the sprite, and hit Control + Shift + E for the "erase color" command. Then just click the background to eyedropper it, and GM will take care of that problem for you.
If you're making animations like the one you've been posting here, you don't *need* to erase the background color, so you don't need another program to do it for you. What I normally do for long animations though, is make a blank first frame, and then fill in the background color. Set that color as the frame's transparency color so you can use onion skinning, and then duplicate that frame a bunch of times so you have a bunch of empty usable frames. Yeah, it'd be ideal if there was a setting to have frames be transparent by default, but unfortunately you have to use this little work around as far as I know. Not too hard to get around, though. If you go into the preferences menu, you can set keyboard shortcuts for literally EVERY command, which makes things *super* fast when you get situated with the program. I'd suggest setting a shortcut for duplicating frames first, with these huge animations you're working on, hahah. =)
If you have any other questions, let me know. =)
Shifting = box select and move. It works fine, I just don't like certain things about it in Gale.
ReplyDeleteAs for transparency, I only need transparency for these weekly animations, since I will be importing them into Flash. Although I may start using Gale for H-animations for me games, I'll probably still use GM since it's does everything I need it to do for normal sprites, and the fact that it's integrated into GM makes it much faster for a lot of stuff.
As for Gale, the only thing that's particularly bugging me so far is the cursor, which I hope I can change. everything else is mostly fine. Though I don't like that right clicking is the eye dropper, which I'd prefer to set to a key.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete[Gah, I was there was an edit button, here. My grammar and spelling are always horrible in my first drafts. :'D]
Ah, okay. That's what I thought you might've meant by shifting, but I'm not sure how GG does it that's any different from any other program, and I couldn't think of anything that could be changed about it, so I thought it must be something else, hahah! I won't badger you about what exactly you think is wrong with it, but I'll let you know that you can use the mouse as well as the keyboard to move your selection, in case the problem was you thought it wasn't exact enough.
I'd say the time you save importing sprites into GM is negligible compared to the time you'll save by using GG over GM's editor, but that depends on how fast you are in GM's editor, I guess. I'll admit I never really established a good workflow in GM's editor, since I was already well-practiced in using GG's strengths and working around its weaknesses. =)
As for GG's cursor, I don't know of a way to change it, unfortunately. That might just be my lack of knowledge, though - the cursor never bothered me, because it's obvious where your pixel is going to land with the default cursor. I'm assuming you want something closer to just a simple dot, which I usually prefer, too, but that's because most programs that -don't- use a simple dot make it hard to tell where your stroke is going to land, which GG isn't guilty of.
If you end up enjoying GraphicsGale enough after a week or so of using it that you decide to keep it as part of your normal workflow, you might consider sending an email to the program's creator over on GG's website. He's Japanese, so his English isn't perfect, but it's good enough, and he's super friendly and actually went ahead and added a few of the things I suggested way back. Worth a shot, if you find yourself using the program a lot, especially for something as easy to add as custom cursors.
Cheers, Kyrieru. =D
Ah, also - you could try asking PixelPileDriver over at about anything GG related, or just go through his old posts. He's pretty much the biggest champion of the program I've met - if you go through his old posts, they're full of cool little tricks to the program that you won't learn without playing with it for hours.
ReplyDeleteThe speed of using GM instead of external programs isn't really negligible, because there are certain things that aren't going to benefit from any of GG's extra functions.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to game-sized character animation, I only need a few things.
- ability to cycle frames
- pencil
- box select/shift
- eyedropper
- ability to preview animation
All of which GM has, and none of which is made faster by GG. I don't need layers with certain kinds of animation, because it's all redrawing and shifting. Especially in situations where I'm constantly going back and fourth between programming and tweaking animations, GG would slow me down a lot. I can see how some people might feel uncomfortable without layers as a failsafe, but I'm used to the workflow by this point, and for a lot of stuff it's much faster.
Instead, GG will be useful for anything that will benefit from layers. For example, with H-animations I can save the project file with layers intact, meaning I can make variations of them far easier than I could otherwise. It will also be useful for animations with a lot of moving parts. (for example, if I wanted something spinning around an object and didn't want to program it.)
Yar, whatever works best for you, of course. =)
ReplyDeletePersonally, I can't live without layers, indexed colors, GG's awesome color changing tool, or GG's animation timing settings and animation previews. If you don't think those things are worth spending an extra ten seconds to load in your sprites inside GM, then they're not worth it to you.
I mean, there's no arguing with the results you've had with GM's editor so far. Your work always ends up great! =D
Hello, Kyrieru!
ReplyDeleteI like adult pixel games and wanna do them too... but mine drawings very ugly =_=. Especially - pixel art. I am learning GameMaker language and it's seems not too difficult, but without graphic and sprites it doesnt make sense, i think.
If it's not too hard for you, may you answer me: How you starting in pixel art? Or you know how to draw pixels from the beginning? Maybe you know where i can find some sort of guides or tutorials for the newbies without any talent in pixel art?
Thank you!
Here's two I found a while back and found helpful;
Delete (It's got 11 parts and goes into detail about a variety of things) (This one's more focused on character sprites)
I also literally made a tutorial yesterday d:
Ohhh.. it's cool. Thank you again! And thank you Orexius, too!
ReplyDeleteI will be working really hard to do my pixel art skill better :D
"since I haven't shown anything in a while and everyone literally thinks I'm not even working on it anymore -__-"
ReplyDeletecertainly not an unreasonable assumption
How is the GIF version of this animation going?
ReplyDeleteJust being curious since it's been some time.
Right now I'm more or less trying to get sound working properly. After that, I'll look into exporting Flash files as Gifs correctly. Ideally I want to do it from within Flash so that the timing is the same.
DeleteYou're the man (or woman IDK), rock on