Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What next

What now?

I'm currently waiting on info from Nutaku about taxes, waiting on Mangagamer for marketing stuff, and waiting on DLsite to determine if the game is different enough to be listed as a new product. First word on it is that is isn't, but then this is, so I'm not totally sure what they're going on. The unlock code was included with the DLsite game, so people would be able to upgrade by using the trial.

Other than that, I put up the latest character poll for patreon. In the meantime I need to do one of the draw winners from forever ago, and after that's done, do the animation from the poll. After that's done I'll probably finish the animation player and close the Patreon.

For Noaika, I need to do it's whole soundtrack, sound design, and I also want to convert it to GM Studio 2 (They've made the process much easier). As I've said before, that's going to take a while so I want to release one of the side projects before doing that, so that I'm paying everything I need to be paying as I go.

GM Studio 2
Speaking of GM 2, I have it now, and I'm currently looking at all it's new features and deciding what I want to do with em. Main benefits so far are;

- Camera zoom and angle is easy and works well.
- Tilesets have autotiling and a brush system. (Speeds up tiling a lot)
- Rooms have layers, and you can have parent rooms.
- A ton of quality of life features.
- Decent audio mixer, making overall balancing much easier.

The only downside is that some of GM 2 is going to take some getting used to. Some of it works a lot differently, and some of it is kinda bad (The sprite editor is all over the place). In general, I'm going to have to adjust my workflow a bit.

Other than that, I'm trying to decide what sorts of things I want to learn how to do in GM. Even Eroico had performance problems, so I want to learn about more optimization methods, such as better collision detection. I also want to start using external file handling more, since Noaika in particular is NOT going to be able to run on a lot of computers without it.

3d elements in backgrounds are a bit of a gimick, but one I enjoy. It would be neat to get that working.

In general I want to come up with better methods for a lot of the stuff I've been doing. Syncing sound to Eroico's animations was time consuming, so it'd be nice to make an editor for that, since I'll be using the same method for future sound design.

All that said, I'm still not sure which side project I want to work on once the patreon stuff is done, since as much as anything it will be about learning some new stuff before I try to implement it in a bigger project like Noaika.


  1. You should put up a list of your side projects so people know what you're talking about -- maybe vote on which one they like the best?

  2. So Noaika never? Okay.

  3. What do you mean by "external file handling"? Do you mean that all files will no longer contained inside an .exe? So, there will be like a sound folder, a textures folder, etc... If it's the case, that could be interesting for modding. ;)

  4. I don't know if I have OCD or not, but the different fonts in the Other Action H-games side bar bugs me.

    Also looking forward to Noaika, and I agree, DRM is a pain.

  5. Hey Kyrieru, for someone just starting to learn GM in general, do you think it's better to stay with GM Studio or go right away to GM Studio 2?

    1. I'd say go to 2. It's a little more intimidating at a glance, but the way it works now makes more sense in the long run.

    2. Thank you for answering, what feels the most intimidating is the lack of tutorials in comparison to the first one, and the fact that it's still in beta.

      What do you personally think of the changes in GML introduced on GM Studio 2?

  6. It's not for GM2 but as general tutorials, have you seen the ones by Shaun Spalding? I've been following a few of them and it's really helpful but what's your own opinion?

    Would you say it's different to how you do your stuff? More helpful, or do you think the way you code yourself is more efficient when it comes to the basics and other stuff?

    1. While I achieve the results I want, it usually isn't well optimized. I don't consider myself a programmer the way I'd consider myself an animator.

      As for people in the community, I don't really know about anybody, so there's not much I can say there.

    2. Sprite artist*
      I'm not an amazing animator either lol.

  7. ...TBH I'm still holding out hope for something featuring http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uSGCju1b3bo/UYXEZAOplGI/AAAAAAAAAx4/p1NMMq0xWE4/s1600/con1.png her, or someone with similar hair/attire.
    That one just really stood out to me back when it was first shown.

    1. That was basically the design I was planning if I did a rune factory ish game. I'm sure I'll still do something like that in the future.

  8. LOOK AT THAT GM:S2 UI!!!!! I didn't noticed GMS2 came out, unless it is beta version.
    Thank u!!

  9. Now we're porting Noaika to a new GM version? This is becoming your Duke Nukem Forever. And I've been so hype for it to actually happen.

  10. Just here to repeat that I would support a Kyrieru Patreon game if it were to happen one day. Looking forward to Noaika and smaller projects too. Cheers.

    1. I agree. I have only played Kurovadis, but the support I've received from Kyrieru back then when I had an issue that basicly made the game unplayable for me (was related to my system) has positively surprised me. It's also rare, that I'd go on the internet to look for porn and find a H-game that actually made me focus more on the gameplay than the H. Definitely looking forward to Noaika and future projects.

  11. Concentrate on Noaika! the longer people have to wait for it, the harsher people will review it because the more we will expect. Noaika will be your big cash inflow product, when it goes up on DLsite that will get you more money than other projects(I assume based on what I know about your other projects)BIG projects that provide more money come first, side projects that won't result in as much cash come second. your recent "George Lucusing" of Eroico was very, very good but now you should get Noaika done and out the way

    1. This. A million times this. You need to prioritize Noika or it will -never happen.- It has been SEVERAL YEARS since the demo. If nothing else, your audience is going to abandon you. Don't be Duke Nukem.

  12. >For Noaika, I need to do it's whole soundtrack, sound design--

    How many times have you repeated this exact phrase over the past year? What exactly have you been doing this entire time? More side projects that'll never see the light of day? Copypasting essays about how you're not feeling too good and need money?

    What's going on, m8?

    1. pretty sure he's explicitly said he focused on eroico and the mini H game for the past year

    2. Eroico took closer to two monthes, mostly due to experimenting with sounds a bunch. As for the rest of the year, I worked on various things, including Noaika. The reason there hasn't been much movement on Noaika's music/sound is because most of the improvements I made to it this year have been lateral, fixing longstanding problems that I had because I never took the time to optimize as well as I should have.

  13. Still hoping you are planning to redo the kurovadis cgs at some point. Hell, even adding the few you've already done is good enough for me.

  14. A bit late for the party, but... About the snafu on DLsite. The link you posted is a patch ou expansion pack and won't do much (or nothing) without the base game. It's the DLC era my friend.

  15. Noaika is going to get canned... Just be honest and stay making this little loops. They seem to be your thing now.

    1. He did deliver on the Eroico update so at least he progressed on that, and I'd rather have a game that is not only porn but also entertaining on its own that just animations

  16. Kyrieru, Noaika's option for demo version seems didn't working on my laptop
    was it caused by a bugs? because i have push the enter button several time but still no responds...

    1. Could be a controller emulator related issue, if you're using one. One of the F keys also disables the controller, so see if that works.

  17. I tried out GM2. But Studio 1.4 is already so good.

  18. Anything new progresswise? It's been 2 months since the last update...

    1. You must be new here.

      Kyrieru just procrastinates for 4 months, slaps something together when he really needs the money and then calls it a day.

      Rereleases eroico by adding nothing, while the guy who made vita escape idk how long ago updates it and actually adds new enemies and content.

      But hey at least he doesnt beg on patreon

    2. Here you can see a case of a salty anon. You know they're salty because they are projecting, hyperboling and posting in anonymous name.

    3. I'm gonna be real here for a moment. I respect that, anon XD. As much as I understand the circumstances of the development process, I was wondering when someone was gonna crawl out of the wood work and talk mad shit on Kyrieru for his shortcomings XD. And don't endeavor any argumentation regarding that term, because that's simply what it is, shortcomings. Not even Kyrieru can deny it. But still, I support his games. They're always great. But I don't think anyone is pretending this has been a smooth ride.

    4. The only time I deny stuff is when people come up with random theories about how I'm spending my time. Otherwise, when referring to my competence I'm rarely positive, let alone intentionally deceptive about the fact that I should be doing more.

      That said, it isn't exactly uncommon for people to complain about me here. Sometimes it's pretty civil, sometimes it's hilariously dim witted. All I can do is respond to polite or useful comments and ignore the rest. In the end, finished work will eventually be a response to everyone, regardless of whether they were patient, fed up, or a dickbag.

    5. I feel ya. I think people are just upset because they legitimately like your old work. We all do. We're all just excited for the game to come out is all XD. I was actually just showing my friends who are art students your pixel art. They don't play hentai games, but they really enjoyed your work. Your pixel art and animation is pretty tight stuff.

    6. I just find it funny how people are willing to attack him over his work. Not really obligated to do anything and those of us who donated sometime back for his new game, we knew it would take time. That and I'd prefer a quality game over a lot of the stuff that comes out.

    7. That's great and all Kyrieru, but it's been 2.5 months now, are we even getting Patreon stuff anymore? Like, do you just do stuff and throw it out or what? Give us something man.

    8. So...What ever happened to that Roll animation? What even won in the patreon poll for her?

    9. As part of the initial goals, there were two animation draws done. I've been putting off doing them for a while, so one of them is what I'm doing now. (Patrons wont be charged for it)

      After that, I'll be doing the Roll animation. The draw animation request is taking me a while because I have no freaking clue what direction to go with it, and I'm dealing with a couple things at the moment.

      After the animations are done, I'll be closing the Patreon and focusing on game stuff.

    10. At the risk of getting flamed, is that all you've been doing for the past 2-3 months? No work on the games?

    11. can we get a bigger post/update?

      (no is fine. just curious and hoping you're doing okay)

  19. Man I can't wait to play Half-Life 3. Oh, we're just going to remaster half life 2 first? oh... okay... but I'm sure half-life 3 will be here soon!

    1. At least one of those projects has a demo, as outdated as it is.

    2. At least Valve didn't take money from their fans before abandoning their game.

    3. Are you comparing a AAA company to a game dev that offered to preorder a $7 game?

  20. So uh, any updates buddy? been quite a few months now....

    Even a "still working on it, see you in October" would be encouraging.
