Monday, July 29, 2019

Lufuclad v5-H

I'll update this blog any time there's an H update, however everything else that isn't an H update will be posted here.

-H animation. (For now happens during knockdown)
-Beginnings of stamina system.
-Bunch of misc stuff.
-Various H animation changes.

Still figuring out how exactly stamina will work. Added the basics though. It will change a lot as other mechanics are added, such as parrying. It will also be easier to figure out once I have some enemies with more movement and attack options.


  1. loving this so far

  2. supercodplayer1995July 29, 2019 at 9:31 PM

    very hot yes liek wehn slug insert pp into vagene

  3. is there a way to enter the house yet or that just a screenshot

  4. Is there an easy way to get knocked down?

  5. I'm not seeing any new animation. Is the new H-work just small tweaks to the same animation?

    1. It's a new animation for specifically when you're knocked down and they jump on you.

    2. How do you get knocked down though? Been getting smacked by them for ten minutes and no knockdowns.

    3. Block. If the slugs hit you while you're blocking (from the front angle), they'll decrease your stamina bar, make sure the final hit by the slug is the one that will decrease the stamina bar completely, and you'll be knocked down, and it'll start the new animation.

  6. just screw around with blocking while you're low on stamina

  7. The stamina bar system is pretty good, nice work there man~

  8. Its really coming together just two things:

    1. Do you plan to update it later so that the enemies let go of you after they climax at least one or two times? I think it's a lot hotter when nearby monsters each have a "turn" screwing the protag. Either that or enemy monsters might fight eachother to see who gets to breed the fallen MC.

    2. If pregnancy does become a mechanic will it be a percentage chance thing or will it be guaranteed every time the MC gets creampied?

    1. 1. Enemies will do different things depending on stats and attributes. (for example if an enemy ran out of energy/stamina it would stop.)
      2. Pregnancy will be a mechanic. Dunno how it will work yet but it won't be every time. Like everything else will probably be based on stats of the two sides (strong ability to impregnate or strong resistance to it etc).

  9. Quick question, do you have every enemy you're planning to implement planned out already? If so, can you share what they are?

    1. I have almost nothing planned as far as enemies go. Will more or less be whatever goes.

  10. Loving how the game is coming along, just wish I could zoom in a bit, especially for the H-scenes.

    1. You can zoom with L and K.
      It will be built into the game to be auto later, but for now I think it's better with it off by default.

  11. Succ. Succ. S u c c.

  12. the slugs do seem to take most of the space to the point you can't see her but i suppose thats the point. great animations, i just want to appreciate both sprites

    1. She's actually fully animated behind the sprites, since poses will be re-used with any compatible poses. So even if you can't see her with one enemy, it will depend on the enemy.

      I also plan on implementing an opacity feature so that you can see through the enemy.
