Sunday, August 11, 2019

Lufuclad v7-H

Link to v7

-Worked on H animation code (poses work with each other.)
-Added Goblin enemy
-Added Goblin animation  (It can also re-use the slug's)


  1. Will every enemy have 2 H-animations, or is it just coincidental that both enemies in the current build have two?

    1. The goblin currently only has one. It just re-used the animation of the slug since they have been programmed to work together.

      Poses that follow a trope will all be compatible. So because the player got a new pose "A" to use with the goblin, it's compatible with slug "A".

      Enemies will more or less just have however many I feel like adding. However they will always have at least a couple types that all enemies will have. (For example the player will be able to dominate enemies, so they will have at least one submissive one.)

    2. Does that mean that the MC will have a dominant side from the start or will she have to be slightly "corrupted" of sorts to be able to do that to monsters?

    3. You will be able to do it from the beginning. Being corrupted would let you do other things, though.

  2. Awesome work, and vivid colors fit perfectly.

    - will you add some easter egg in the map like, a secret place to go?

    - What is the height of the sprite you use for the main character in this game, 64px?

    I love the shadow details on the sprites and the colours in this game.

    1. The map will be randomly generated.

      This will sound like I'm being a douche, but if you want to know how tall a sprite is, count the pixels. Saves yourself the time of waiting for an answer, since devs often don't remember either. To most pixel artists, the size of any given sprite is arbitrary, aside from tiles which are generally 16x16 or 32x32.

    2. It doesn't sound like that. It seems to me that it is very complex to be drawn pixel by pixel, and I wanted to have an idea of ​​the level of difficulty that each sprite can have, since being larger, I understand that it needs more details. Sorry if the question seemed absurd.

      I think the game is wonderful.

      Thank you for your sincerity and for your work.

    3. Also to answer the question about areas;
      The world will be randomly generated, so there won't be secret areas in the normal sense.

      However there will be types of areas or events that have specific requirements.

    4. Interesting. Random areas means a lot of work. Is not easy.

      Thx for your answers.

    5. Another anon here. Main char's sprite is 13x47px (Width x Height).

  3. Any chance of there being any gangbangs with the main mc?

    1. For unique scenes, anything is possible.

      As a universal thing that any entity can do, I'm not sure yet. There are ways I can do it but I'll have to think about what the best way is.

    2. I think a reasonable middle ground would be letting monsters take turns on the player character. Like right now if you faint the same monster keeps fucking you-it would make for a more fun scene after a loss if monsters kept rotating through taking turns. And if they're the same monster multiple times in a row, they can do a different position than the last one.

    3. Well, it will work a bit differently in various ways. It won't be locked to one the whole time, like it is now.

  4. Is there any chance of a sexual corruption element? like as the player gets more sex they become more horny and that leads to an animation change and different dialogue? like I think an arousal system would really suit this kind of game :)

  5. awesome update, i loved playing it.
    it would be awesome to see some water/underwater passage and monster to get some "action" in those water/underwater enviroment.
    so maybe a air meter would be good too :D

    well either way, i loved it, keep it up, im here everyday for the next update \o/

  6. I hope combat system be challenging, not like smash buttons or i'll use this trick spot to kill all of them on noob mode. Something that makes replay factor valuable and interesting. Also i don't like the idea of characters getting overpowered over all the enemies even close of end of game, just sharing you my thoughts buddy

    1. I'll be trying to do some things as far as character progression goes. My initial thoughts have been that power will be based more on equipment, but it will not be possible to wear powerful equipment all the time.

      Changing clothing will only be possible at home, and so if you're planning to go gather items or explore far away places, full plate armor isn't going to be ideal. Even sleeping in your house in normal/light/no clothing will likely yield better sleep, but leave you more vulnerable to home invasions.

  7. If the overworld map is left more or less as it is now, would the option to change the controls be viable? I keep pressing up and expecting the cursor to go right, only to be thrown for a loop when it goes left instead. Great work though, and thanks for the update.

    1. In V8 I added an arrow to the cursor. Later on, this will rotate based on the view, and will always point towards the direction that pressing up will go.

  8. i got to say, i came across this by accident and i just love the concept, i read through some of the posts and got sold of the idea of being a kitsune (if that was an option) and having your own kids be potentially useful in something, kinda like a person army. if there is ever a patreon ill be sure to sign up for it if i dont happen to miss it.

  9. Hey Kyrieru. I just wanted to drop by and say thanks. A few years ago I stumbled across Kurovadis and I was blown away. My life was shit though. I had no direction. I found your blog and at the time it seemed like you were struggling too but you kept on pushing anyways. Kept delivering and making content. You inspired me to go back to school and over the last two years my life has changed drastically. Thanks dude.

  10. Out of curiosity, I'm a little new to programming games and was wondering if would you be willing to share the high-level coding concept behind an in-game H-Scene grapple. If not no worries. Love your stuff and have a great day dude!

  11. I suppose the thing that's giving me the most trouble conceptually is how to transition the 2 sprites into a single animation then separating the 2 sprites again after some kind of struggle mechanic.

    1. Normally I just make an animation 1 sprite. In Lufu it's only 2 since animations are re-used between enemies.

      If they are 2 seperate sprites, you simply make them move to a common x,y value.

      Or, you can make one object invisible while the other object draws both sprites at once.
